Nydia Reynolds

Fate will find a way.

Name: Nydia Reynolds

Nickname: Dia

Age: 17

Species: Angel 

Hair Color: Black

Eye color: dark brown

Height: 5'6

Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual 

Home World: Earth

Current Location: Asmiara

Title: Archangel of Fate, High Priestess of Fate

Face Claim: Christine Cerise

A Heavenly Start....

Nydia grew up the treasured only child her father, a rich socialite who seemed to the world to be a good hearted man, who seemed to excel at just about everything he did. His company was on the names of everyone. She grew up believing that she was nothing more than a human girl whose mother had died in childbirth and who some day would take over for her father. The truth was of course much more complex.

Her mother and father were both angels. They had met in the shining kingdom and fallen in love with each other. The two of their lives might have been set in stone if it wasn't for the death of her mother. Her mother's death sent her father to Earth wanting to protect his daughter whom he saw great potential within. She was like her father able to hop through realms. But, unlike her father she wasn't tied to the same codes as he and his friend were--she could hop with her own physical form. Whatever world she choose to visit there was an identity set up for her. Fate is after all everywhere.

A Secret Kept...

Her father didn't want his enemies to try and hurt her or others to try and use her powers. So, he raised her as a mortal. His old friend who had fallen from grace was also there with his two sons. And despite the fact that he had fallen the two of them were close as close could be, a bond formed between the two of them and her mother many years before she was born.

His friend kept the secret out of respect for her father even going as far as having his own sons pretend to be human as well. Adriance the youngest of those two sons became her best friend despite the fact she was promised to marry the older Aishan. She knew what that she was promised to another but her best friend was everything to her. The two of them went everywhere together being the same age. They got into trouble and despite objections from his father her own allowed her to have free reign.

She was her father's little girl. The apple of his eye he denied her nothing that she wanted and having the money to give her everything. She was given everything in the world. Despite this she tended to have a good heart that often is buried behind her outspoken, sometimes snotty outer shell. Caring very much for the world around her she was taken in by her father's beliefs that those who had the power should look after those that did not.

Broken Heart...

It might have continued like this forever if it wasn't for her father finding and meeting the woman that would become her step mother. She didn't understand how her father could care for a woman like her. She was brash and rude. She cared for no one other than herself. And Nydia disliked her with a passion. It was one night when she was about 14 that her world came crashing down around her.

There was a break in at her home and her father hide her. He knew that it wasn't just a normal robbery and that they were coming for him. He didn't want them to find her and kill her as well. She could hear her father as they killed him. She was powerless to help him. She came running out despite this and the killer came after her and she ran as fast as she could. However, a stranger would come out and save her life. He rescued her before vanishing leaving her alone. She swore from that day on she would never be a victim again.

Her step mother thought she would get everything but he left it all to his daughter with her as her caregiver. She thought she would run things and Nydia would have no choice but to do as she said. She was sadly mistaken. She was convinced the woman had hired someone to kill them both because she seemed shocked that Nydia has survived. However, she couldn't prove it. She just needed to stick there till she turned 18 and then she could throw her out. In the meantime she wasn't about to let her ruin everything her father had worked for.

They said it was a rival that wanted to take over his company. She didn't care. She showed up in the board room and declared she was the new head of the company. The young teen took over and despite her youth proved she was more than capable of making decisions. She also continued with school. Her father wasn't there to reign in Adriance's father and as a result things got worst for her friend. His brother wanted to take care of him killed their father and moved. She followed because the two of them always went with each other. It was the way that the world worked.

A New Start...

Aishan married another and the marriage fell apart and once again they moved. She followed again believing she could run her company from anywhere. Her step mother and her continue to fight but despite her best effort she couldn't reign Nydia in. Nydia was the type of girl who choose her own path. People tended to follow her. She was the queen of her own world whether work of school. She wasn't about to see her father's legacy destroyed. She learned to fight. Taking marital arts lessons with the best teacher she could find. A man she greatly respects and cares about.

The truth about her parents came to light and sought out answers to why her father had kept it from her. She discovered the truth about her friend as well. And along with her new found powers came new questions. She sought out the answers and those questions lead her to Kyrell Giese, the concept of fate in another world. She was his high priestess and after informing him of the fact that he had ascended to a higher level she began her work with her best friend by her side like always.